Cats Nutritional Need:

Aneesa Tariq Satti
Dayswithannu Portfolio
2 min readJun 8, 2021


Cats are obligate carnivores and it means that they rely on the nutrients found in animal products. They need to consume animal fats and proteins to get nutrition.

Photo by Lloyd Dirks on Unsplash

An average-sized adult cat needs around 250 calories a day. These calories with a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals

These calorie needs vary from cat to cat as per their size, weight and activity. Active cats may need more calories as compared to the other cats.

Cats need a certain amount of specific nutrients to be healthy but keep in mind that excess of everything is bad.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Supplements for the cats is not necessary if you are feeding a balanced and complete diet. It can be harmful, so you better concerned the veterinarian for approval.

Cats should have access to clean and fresh water all the time Water is extremely important to a cat’s diet.

If the cats eat the dry food diet then they need more water to stay hydrated because they are not getting enough moisture from the food.

So, they must have access to clean and fresh water all the time.



Aneesa Tariq Satti
Dayswithannu Portfolio

Artist/ Business Student. I love to write and my blogs came out of my experience. For any query contact me at